And ( 4) other property that is collectively owned. (四)集体所有的其他财产。
Other property that is collectively owned. 集体所有的其他财产。
Study of legislation of new system of property right of collectively owned enterprises of China 中国集体企业产权制度创新的法律研究
In thes paper are expounded the existing problems concerning present-day China's agrarian system in such aspects as patterns for agrarian system transformation, land property right owned by the collective, appropriation of collectively owned land, land circulation, and scale land use, etc. 本文阐述了我国农村土地制度在改革模式、集体土地产权、集体土地征用、土地流转及土地规模经营等方面所存在的问题。
Legal Definition on property right of the collectively owned forest 我国集体林产权内容的法律界定
Some people think that house property is collectively owned land in rural areas built on, sold to non-members of the collective housing. 亦有人认为,小产权房是指在农村集体所有土地上建造的,出售给非本集体经济成员的房屋。